Diversify your investments for success

Diversify your investments for success

Many successful entrepreneurs have begun a business and continued in the same industry without any need to diversify. However, you don’t have to stay in the same field to continue with the same or higher level of success. No business owner should shy away from diving into other industries, especially when there is someone there willing to guide your way.

Entrepreneur Mike Modi is an excellent example of someone who has been able to diversify his investment and business portfolio while maintaining the same level of service and launching his business to new heights. Mike Modi has never shied away from an opportunity if it maintained his high standards of service and quality.

Mike Modi began his entrepreneurial journey in Nashville as a Hotel owner and operator. Through that success he has been able to invest in dozens of other projects ranging from the hospitality industry to online-only platforms. For someone who has been operating in Nashville for nearly five decades, Mike Modi has been willing to step outside his initial base of knowledge and into cyber space when he was presented with an opportunity that aligned with his core values.

Diversifying your investments is not as scary when you stand by your core values. For Mike Modi that was providing exceptional service in a desirable location. Watching for opportunities that met those simple requirements made it easy for Mike Modi to maintain success. Mike Modi’s simple formula can be applied for all of us. Find a few core values and stick to them, everything else will fall into place.